Savings coupons and free trial offers can help lower your out-of-pocket costs for certain GSK prescription medicines.
To find out if you qualify for coupons, please answer 2 quick questions.
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The coupon should be presented when the prescription is dropped off at the pharmacy. If a mail-order pharmacy is used, please check with the pharmacy to determine if they accept coupons. Some coupons have age, gender, or other specific requirements. GSK reserves the right to rescind, revoke or amend its coupons without notice.
We are not currently offering any free trial offers. Please be sure to check back on this site or on the website for your prescribed product in the future.
The Free Trial Offer should be presented when the prescription is taken to the pharmacy. If the patient uses a mail-order pharmacy, please check with the pharmacy to determine if they accept Free Trial Offers. Some product offers have age, gender, or other specific requirements.
Direct to Consumer
If you regularly practice in Vermont, the law requires pharmaceutical companies to report your acceptance of Coupons and Free Trial Offers to government authorities.
Under the law, distribution of Coupons and Free Trial Offers to health care professionals who are not licensed in Vermont but who "regularly practice" in Vermont must also be reported, whether or not the savings offer is received in Vermont. Under Vermont law, "regularly practice" means practicing at least periodically under contract with, or as an employee or owner of, a medical practice, health care facility, nursing home, hospital, or university located in Vermont.
If you are a health care professional who practices outside the state of Vermont, but regularly practices in Vermont, please do not download, print, or otherwise accept Coupons and Free Trial Offers for GSK products. If you would like to receive Coupons and Free Trial Offers (that GSK will report and track for the state of Vermont), please contact a sales representative at 1-888-825-5249 or contact GSK.